
A Stronger Southeastern Wisconsin through Connectivity with Dave Steele

Dave Steele,  Executive Director of MobiliSE, shares how Milwaukee and surrounding areas are taking big steps to ensure equitable multi-modal transportation. From the introduction of Bus Rapid Transit to FlexRide Milwaukee — an on-demand shuttle program connecting people to suburban job sites — learn how these innovative solutions are helping people access greater job opportunities in the region.

Dave explains why it's so important to attract new talent into Milwaukee and how transportation is a major contributor to greenhouse emissions. He also offers insights on why conversations around multi-modal transportation often focus on what can't be done rather than what can be done. Plus, hear his optimism for Milwaukee’s progress in this space and discover ways individuals can make an impact on climate change through their own behavior.

Tune in to hear Dave Steele dive deep into all things multi-modal transportation and explore how we can create an equitable region through improved regional connectivity for economic development and talent attraction. Learn more about the exciting projects underway in southeastern Wisconsin!

Episode Highlights

13:31 - The point is that it's a choice and really, that's what transportation is all about. It's choices. We have a lot of choices in the housing market, which is great. You can rent a small apartment. You can live in a large house with a big yard. We don't have as many choices in transportation. It's a mono culture around here for our transportation choices, and that's what we're seeking to change. Just provide more choice and more choices make more opportunities for folks.

18:19 - For people that might say, "Well, why should I care?" I think a more equitable city is a growing city. A city that is more walkable is one that is making smart investments in its future. We're never going to be able to compete on weather. We all know that. But I think there's a lot of inherent assets that we have here that we can compete on, and we just have to invest in them and really elevate them.

20:36 - We can make decisions about how we get around everyday, the kinds of vehicle that we might drive or think about driving, and it's low-hanging for us to make a positive difference.

Connect with Becky Dubin Jenkins


Connect with Dave Steele


Guest Bio:

Dave Steele serves as the Executive Director of MobiliSE, overseeing day-to-day operations of the organization, including project development, grant administration, and partnership building.

Steele has spent over 15 years leading social change. As a non-profit CEO, program officer, consultant and program director, Steele has launched and implemented successful fundraising campaigns, raising resources from individuals, foundations and corporations to fund operations and program expansion. He has overseen a multi-million dollar portfolio of grants and low-interest loans to nonprofits, designing and implementing strategies for maximum impact. He has trained and consulted with hundreds of non-profit leaders and board members, specializing in strategic planning and board development, as well as program design, implementation and evaluation. Steele is a recognized leader in building diversity and inclusion in the non-profit sector, and his work has led to significant and measurable increase in the diversity of non-profit boards and staff.

Steele holds a Master’s Degree in Urban Planning from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and has participated in Harvard Business School’s Social Enterprise Initiative. A native of Milwaukee’s South Side, he resides in Milwaukee with his wife and is the father of three boys.

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On The Edge Of Equity

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